Riding Therapy for Special Israeli Children

Israel therapy


The Red Mountain Therapeutic Riding School in Israel’s Arava desert, each week takes 200 special needs children and adults into another dimension, and Israel founded Good Deeds Day in 2007, which since then includes blood donations, volunteering with the needy, helping out in animal shelters, and much more.

By: Michael Ordman


Riding therapy for special kids

The Red Mountain Therapeutic Riding School in Israel’s Arava desert, each week takes 200 special needs children and adults into another dimension. The therapists, volunteers and 22 beautiful horses give the riders increased control of muscles and helps their emotional development.

Good Deeds Day 2016

Israel founded Good Deeds Day in 2007. In 2016 1,300,000 Israelis took part. It involved 99% of the local authorities, more than 1,500 business groups, 200 youth groups, and hundreds of schools. 14,000 projects included blood donations, volunteering with the needy, second-hand markets, helping out in animal shelters, and much more. http://www.shariarison.com/en/content/good-deeds-day-2016-0

The voice of an Israeli-Arab doctor

Faiza works in the intensive care unit at a major Israeli private hospital. She lives in Shuafat, an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem where there are frequent disturbances. She has ten siblings – most of them graduates of Israeli universities. Here she shares her vision about life in Israel.

Israeli-Arab kids win national tech prize

Three students from Bustan El-Marj Sci-Tech High School (part of the ORT Sci-Tech network of Israeli high schools) won 3rd prize at Israel’s Young Engineers’ Conference. It is the first time that Arab-Israeli schoolkids have won a prize – this for an app to direct firefighters to the nearest hydrant.


Arab girls join IDF

Young Muslim girls are joining the Israel Defense Forces. Together with a growing number of Christian Arab girls, they are breaking new ground joining ranks with the Israeli army.

Lebanese “refugee” studies at Israeli university

Dr. Carol Jahshan is the daughter of a Lebanese refugee from Haifa who grew up in Beirut before moving the USA. She has just completed a 3-month working collaboration at Israel’s Bar Ilan University. Here is her story:

From Bondi beach to Ashdod

Lifeguards from Australia have come to Israel to help train Israelis in water-safety. It was their response to several drowning incidents in 2013. The first two sessions at Ashdod beach attracted 117 children and resulted in the setting up of a new organization Surf Life Saving Israel.

French seek help treating terror victims

French Minister of Health Marisol Touraine visited Israel in an effort to learn from the Jewish state’s medical expertise on treating victims of terror attacks. Touraine visited Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Center on Thursday and met Israel’s Health Minister Yaakov Litzman.

A positive agenda at the UN

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, is promoting “good cop” advocacy at the world body. Events such as Israeli singers, or a panel about water technology. Israel has lot to offer the UN.


How Israel benefits the US economy

From manufacturing to medical research, the Jewish state is crucial to the economic health of the US Economic ties with Israel sustain American jobs. Joint US-Israeli funding for science, industrial research and agricultural research has advanced the technology of both countries.

How to set up a field hospital in 12 hours

When it responds to an international disaster, the Israel Defense Forces can get a field hospital functioning within 12 hours of arriving at the setup site. An unbeatable, awe-inspiring feat of logistics.



Click here for all of this week’s Good News from Israel.

Source: United with Israel