RIDICULOUS: Models’ Millionaire Dad Calls Israeli Hero a ‘Proud Palestinian’

RIDICULOUS: Models’ Millionaire Dad Calls Israeli Hero a ‘Proud Palestinian’

Jordanian-American businessman Mohamed Hadid claimed Israel’s first woman prime minister was actually a “proud Palestinian.”

By United with Israel Staff

Mohamed Hadid reportedly amassed a fortune in the real estate industry, but is now “mired in financial and legal troubles” according to an April 2022 report by the New York Post.

Hadid ran into some troubles of a different kind this weekend on social media based on his comments about former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir have led to scorn and ridicule.

The Jordanian-American businessman, who is the father of vocally anti-Israel fashion models Gigi and Bella Hadid, claimed that Meir was a “proud Palestinian,” twisting the Israeli hero’s comments to develop a bizarre narrative that expressed the exact opposite of Meir’s actual comments.

“She was proud Palestinian,” Hadid posted to Instagram alongside an edited video of Meir. Hadid quotes the former prime minister out of context claiming that she was describing a society of peaceful coexistence among “Jews Christian Muslim Palestinians all Arabs” [sic].

In reality, Meir states later in that interview that Palestinian identity was a modern invention. “When were the Palestinians born?” she asks, rhetorically.

“Meir argued that there was no difference between Arabs on the West and East of the Jordan river and that there was no reason that Jordan couldn’t have established a Palestinian state in [Judea and Samaria] when they had ruled it,” reported the Jerusalem Post, describing the Meir’s actual comments in the video.

“Golda is saying the Jews were the ones considered the ‘Palestinians’ back then!” added David Lange in a post on his IsraellyCool site.

“When it comes to liars, Mohamed Hadid is one of the dumbest ones out there. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t stop trying,” added Lange.

Pro-Israel advocate Emily Schrader referred to Hadid’s comments as “an own goal,” meaning that Hadid actually helped prove his opponent’s point in an attempt to demonize the Jewish state.

The Hadids are no strangers to controversy related to their statements and actions vis a vis Israel, which have led to accusations of antisemitism.

It’s also not the first time a member of the Hadid family has demonstrated a lack of understanding related to basic historical facts. In June 2019, for instance, Bella Hadid posted a 1939 picture of a soccer team in “Palestine,” without realizing all of the players were Jews.

Next to the photo, Bella wrote “so cool” and a heart emoji.

In 2020, Mohamed shared on social media an anti-Israel quote falsely attributed to the legendary Jewish physicist Albert Einstein.

In May of that same year, Mohamed posted a photo on Instagram that claiming Israel is connected to police violence in the U.S. He later apologized for posting the image.

In 2022, Gigi Hadid removed an Instagram post in which she condemned the murder of three innocent Israelis in a deadly terror attack in the middle of Tel Aviv. Palestinian supporters slammed the model as out of touch with her own Palestinian identity, while Jews called her a hypocrite for condemning terror after helping incite it.

After that incident, commentator Michael Dickson tweeted, “Not so fast, Gigi Hadid. You continue to fuel the fire that leads to antisemitic attacks and terror. You have shared vicious lies designed to dehumanize Jews and Israelis to an audience way bigger than the amount of Jews that exist on planet Earth. You’re part of the problem.”

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