Residents of Jenin Attack IDF Troops With Firebombs

IDF troops operating late Saturday night in the city of Jenin  in the Shomron (Samaria) were attacked by mobs of Arabs armed with firebombs and rocks.

Soldiers responded with crowd-control measures including tear gas and rubber bullets, after which they targeted live-fire at two Palestinians armed with explosive devices, killing  19-year-old Mohamed Abu Khalifa. Three other young Palestinian men were injured in the clash. No IDF soldiers were injured.

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Last Thursday, five members of Khalifa’s family, suspected of being Hamas members, were arrested during an IDF operation in Jenin that also came under attack by residents armed with firebombs and firearms. An IDF soldier was moderately injured by an explosive device in that operation.

The IDF has increased its anti-terror operations due to a recent rise in attacks.

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Source: Israel in the News