Rabbi Berger’s Yom Kippur Message

Rabbi Berger’s Yom Kippur Message

Rabbi Yosef Berger (Courtesy David’s Tomb)

Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, is the son of the son of Mishkoltz Rabbi Shalom Berger and a descendant of King David. Rabbi Berger urged Israel365 News to publicize his message to the world on the eve of the holy day of Yom Kippur.

“We are about to enter the most fateful Yom Kippur that any of us have faced in our lifetimes,” Rabbi Berger said. Rabbi Berger explained that he has been in consultation with hidden Tzaddikim (righteous men). “For better and for worse, the world is on the cusp of an era which could bring the geula (redemption). For some people, this is a source of great joy but for others, this should be a reason for introspection.”

“There are always catastrophes but this is the first time in memory that the entire world has suffered as one. What we have been seeing is preparation for the day when all the world will be united, recognizing the One God. We are seeing that governments cannot help. This pandemic has peeled away the layers of lies. Everyone’s true intentions are being brought out into the open. Idolatry is being seen for what it is. Abortion is being shown as murder.” 

“This is the last chance for people to repent before judgment. If a person is righteous, then there is nothing to worry about. But if they are lacking, the only thing that can save a person is tzedaka (charity). The children of Israel were slaves in Egypt but they gave charity in Egypt and that tipped the scales in their favor, allowing them to be redeemed. One of the effects of the pandemic is it has left so many in need of charity, people who never needed charity before.”

Rabbi Berger has established a fund for children in Jerusalem to learn Torah based on the Jewish tradition that the world exists on the merit of children learning the Bible.

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