Palestinian Terrorists Attack Israeli Ambulance Carrying Emergency Patient

Magen David Adom ambulance

A patient en route to a Jerusalem hospital emergency room had to be moved to another vehicle when terrorists threw rocks at the ambulance, cracking the windshield.

Palestinian terrorists threw rocks at a Magen David Adom (MDA) ambulance transporting a patient from Ma’ale Adumim, a city seven kilometers east of the capital, to a Jerusalem hospital Monday night, Arutz Sheva reported.

No one was hurt, but the windshield was cracked, and the patient had to be transferred to another ambulance.

“When I was traveling with a patient on the Jerusalem-Ma’ale Adumim road near the village of Issawiya, rocks were thrown at the ambulance, and struck the windshield and cracked it,” Yitzhak Goldfarb, the driver, said, according to Arutz Sheva. “I drove on for another kilometer and stopped when I saw a Border Police officer.”

“The patient was very distressed, and we had to wait for another ambulance to take him [to hospital], because the ambulance was not fit to drive,” Goldfarb added. “The patient was eventually stabilized and transferred successfully to hospital for treatment.”

By: United with Israel Staff
(With files from Arutz Sheva)

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Source: United with Israel