Palestinian Terrorist Targets Israelis in Jerusalem in Combined Car-Ramming and Stabbing Attack

palestinian terror attack in jerusalem

Three Israelis were attacked Sunday evening by a Palestinian terrorist in Jerusalem who first tried ramming his car into two youths and then stabbed a policeman. The victims were lightly injured.

A Palestinian terrorist lightly wounded three Israelis on Yirmiyahu Street in western Jerusalem Sunday evening in a combined car-ramming and stabbing attack – the two most popular methods used in the current wave of violence that began mid-September.

According to a police spokesperson, the terrorist rammed his car into two youths before exiting the vehicle with a knife in pursuit of victims. He then proceeded to stab a policeman.

An IDF soldier who was getting off a bus nearby shot and killed the terrorist, who was later identified as a 21-year-old resident of the Palestinian neighborhood of Beit Hanina in eastern Jerusalem.

Magen David Adom paramedics treated the victims at the scene. Two were transferred to a Jerusalem hospital for further medical attention, and a number of witnesses were treated for shock.

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel