Palestinian Terror Rages On with More 3 Attacks Today, 1 by Palestinian ‘Security Officer’

Hizma checkpoint

Three Palestinian terror attacks were carried out on Thursday, wounding three people in total, one seriously. One of the terrorists was a Palestinian Authority security officer.

On Thursday morning, an Arab terrorist shot and wounded an IDF soldier and an Arab Israeli at the entrance to the Palestinian village of Hizma, located about seven kilometers north of Jerusalem. While soldiers were checking the cars at the checkpoint, the terrorist shot at them.

Soldiers eliminated the terrorist, who was later identified as 37-year-old Mazen Hassan Orebeih from the Abu Dis neighborhood in Jerusalem. He was an intelligence officer in the Palestinian Authority preventative security service.

The soldier was lightly injured, while the civilian, a male in his late 40s, was seriously wounded in his upper body. He was evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in the capital.

In the early evening, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed and lightly wounded an officer in his mid-30s at the Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. Border police officers shot and killed the terrorist.

The victim was treated by Magen David Adom (MDA) medics at the scene before taken to Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem.

At around 8 pm the same day, a Palestinian terrorist opened fire at a car near the Jewish community of Psagot in Samaria, just north of Jerusalem. The driver, Rabbi Itay Halevi, escaped unharmed, but the car was damaged.

Ten Bullet Holes, but Driver Left Unharmed

“I was leaving Psagot to go back home to Migron. Right outside Psagot there’s a sharp bend in the road, and immediately after the bend, they opened fire on my car from the right side,” Halevi told Tazpit Press Service. He suspected more terrorists were laying in ambush close by.

He fled to a nearby gas station, waiting for soldiers to arrive. “More then 10 bullets actually penetrated my car, passing between me and the front windshield, meaning the bullets entered the car from the right window, and some exited from the left side, close to the driver’s seat. But I left without even a scratch,” Halevi told TPS.

“It ended in a miracle. I sped out of the danger zone as fast as I could while calling the security services on my phone even before stopping,” he added. “I am thankful to God for this miracle, and I am thankful to the IDF and Police for doing their job.”

IDF and police forces are searching for the terrorist.

By: United with Israel Staff
(With files from TPS)

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Source: United with Israel