Palestinian School Names Football Tournament After 13-Year-Old Murderer

Ahmed Manasra, Palestinian teenaged terrorist

A Palestinian school this week named a football tournament after a 13-year-old terrorist. Bestowing honor on socalled martyrs by the PA is an ongoing practice.

Two Palestinian teenagers, cousins Hassan and Ahmed Manasrah, stabbed and wounded two Israelis with the intention to kill. One victim was seriously injured. Police shot and killed Hassan and wounded Ahmed, who was then treated in an Israeli hospital.

A Palestinian school has now named a football tournament after one of the teenaged terrorists. It is called the Ahmed Manasrah Football Tournament, according to Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, the official Palestinian Authority (PA) daily.

As pointed out by Palestinian Media Watch PMW), the fact that they named a tournament after a terrorist is “not surprising, as the PA practices a policy of glorifying terrorists who have murdered Israelis, presenting them as role models to Palestinian children.”

PMW has documented at least 25 schools as well as dozens of sporting events and summer camps named after terrorists.

For example, PMW notes, a PA municipality recently erected a monument and named a road after 19-year-old terrorist Muhannad Halabi, who stabbed four Israelis in the Old City of Jerusalem; two victims succumbed to their wounds. A youth center in Jenin also named a football tournament after him, and a new mother gave her baby his name. The dead victims, Nehemia Lavi and Aharon Banita, were young fathers.

As PMW explains, “attacking Israelis brings honor and fame, and youth are drawn by this temptation. Not one of the Palestinian attacks against Israelis in the last two months, which have left 23 Israelis killed and wounded many more, has been condemned by any PA leader, not even by PA Chairman Abbas himself. On the contrary, the current terror wave is being openly supported and applauded by PA and Fatah leaders.”

PA Chair Abbas Incites Terror

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week challenged Abbas to condemn terror attacks committed against Israelis by Palestinians just as Abbas did after the multiple Islamic terror attacks in Paris a few days earlier, but to no avail.

In fact, mere days after Hamas terrorists murdered Eitam and Naama Henkin in front of their four children and Halabi murdered two Israelis, Abbas stated: “The Palestinian side did not attack and did not do anything against the Israelis,” claiming that the Palestinian murderers were “protecting” themselves and their holy sites – such as the Temple Mount, which actually is Judaism’s holiest site and Islam’s third-holiest.

“That is our right. We have to protect our holy sites,” Abbas declared on official PA TV on October 6 and reported by Al-Hayat Al-Jadida the next day.

The same evening as the Henkin murder took place, masses of residents of the PA-administered territories handed out sweets, waved PA flags and launched fireworks in celebration.

PMW has documented numerous expressions of support for the “heroic” terror attacks against Israelis, and several more Palestinian institutions, tournaments and streets have been named after the assailants.

By: United with Israel Staff
(With files from PMW)

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Source: United with Israel