Palestinian Leader Abbas Spreads Lie that Israel Executed Palestinian Terror Teen

Mahmoud Abbas.

Ahmed Manasra

Ahmed Manasra who carried out a stabbing attack in Pisgat Ze’ev and is hospitalized at Hadassah University Medical Center. (Courtesy)

Abbas has blatantly lied that Israel executed a 13-year-old Palestinian terrorist, who is alive and hospitalized in Israel.

Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas has for years been inciting against Israel and has been spreading malicious lies about various Israeli plots to harm the Palestinians in one way or another, but he outdid himself Wednesday when he asserted that Israel executed a 13-year-old Palestinian, when in fact the boy, Ahmed Manasra, a terrorist who was shot after he stabbed and critically wounded two Israelis in Jerusalem on Monday, is alive and is being treated in an Israeli hospital.

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Abbas claimed that “the aggression against our people and holy areas has increased in a manner that disrupts the peace and quiet,” which, he said “requires international intervention.”

He again denied the Jews’ right to the Temple Mount, saying “only we have rights to Al-Aqsa as Palestinians and Muslims, and no one else has any rights there.”

Then he made the statement containing his blatant lie, while making further allegations against Israel. “We will not agree to continue the situation on our land, and not the policy of occupation and aggression by Israel and its settlers, who commit terror against our people, our homes, our trees, our holy places, and who execute our children in cold blood, as they did to the child Ahmed Mansara [the hospitalized terrorist] and other children in Jerusalem and other places. We will continue our national struggle which is based on self-defense.”

He again threatened to have Israel prosecuted at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for alleged war crimes it has committed against Palestinians.

Incitement and Lies that Lead to Murder

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office issued a statement Thursday slamming Abbas’ remarks as “incitement and lies.”

“The youth he is talking about is alive and hospitalized in Hadassah Hospital, after he stabbed an Israeli youth, who was riding a bicycle at the time,” the statement said.

“While Israel maintains the status quo on the Temple Mount, Abu Mazen [Abbas], with his words of incitement, makes cynical use of religion and thus brings about terrorism.”

Israel Katz

Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz. (Flash90)

Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz derided Abbas’ statements as “defamatory words” and “lies” which “turns a murderer into a martyr.”

Over the past weeks, Palestinians have perpetrated numerous terror attacks against Israeli citizens across the country. Seven Israelis have been murdered and 15 of the critically wounded victims are still hospitalized.

Most of the terrorists were Palestinian youth under the age of 25, the youngest being the aforementioned 13-year-old Manasrah. Israel charges they were incited to violence by “a widespread Palestinian culture of hate.”

“For years, Palestinian youth has been indoctrinated in schools and on television to follow in the footsteps of arch-terrorists and to engage in indiscriminate violence against Jews. In recent years, this poisoning of children’s minds has been exacerbated by hate speech and calls for murder on the Palestinian social media, which are playing a critical role in the latest wave of terror,” Israel’s Foreign Minister stated Thursday.

“Israel calls on Mahmoud Abbas and other Palestinian leaders to stop incitement to violence and to call for calm,” the statement said. ”Palestinian youths deserve to receive an education that will lay the basis for a better future of peaceful coexistence and cooperation with their Israeli neighbors.”

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

Sign the Petition to Stop Funding the Palestinian Authority

PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

Petition to the United States and European Union

We demand that all funding of the PA be stopped immediately. Unity with Hamas led to brutal murders, thousands of rockets and ongoing incitement against Israeli citizens. Prosecuting Israel for “war crimes” is despicable and makes funding the PA against US law.


Source: United with Israel