Oct. 7: What’s Next? Must watch new doc

Oct. 7: What’s Next? Must watch new doc

The Israel Guys, in collaboration with Israel365 and Keep God’s Land, is set to release a video titled “Oct. 7: What’s Next?” 

The website describes the motive behind the movie:

“October 7th, 2023 changed everything. The Hamas attack on Israel was more than just an act of terror; it was an attempt to erase the nation of Israel.”

“This powerful new film dives deep into the personal stories of widows, wounded soldiers, and the resilient people of Sderot. But it doesn’t stop there. It also reveals the crucial actions we must take to prevent Hamas and other jihadists from ever repeating their brutal assaults.”

“The battle for Israel’s heartland is far from over. International forces still threaten to divide God’s land. Will we stand up and fight for Israel? Will we defend its right to its biblical heartland?”

The movie will be released to be freely viewed on Monday, the anniversary of the horrific murder of over 1,200 Israelis by Palestinians and Hamas terrorists. 

Luke Hilton, the media director for Hayovel and the Israel Guys, explained that pro-Israel videos are being censored on social media.

“We have had videos slapped with restrictions or just ‘disappeared’ for no reason,” Hilton explained. “We will try to keep the video up for as long as possible but we highly recommend that if people are interested, they view it right away.”

While the event is still fresh in the public consciousness, the subject matter made the movie difficult to make.

“We didn’t want to focus on gory details or individual atrocities,” he explained. “The overall vibe is not to dwell on the past, it’s about the lessons we can learn a year later and how they can teach us to move forward, making our connection with God’s land even stronger.”

The movie presents the historical context of the attack, beginning with the 1967 Six-Day War that liberated Gaza, a part of Biblical Israel, from Egypt. In 1987, the first Intifada burst into flames in Gaza, quickly spreading to Judea and Samaria. In 1994, as part of a peace deal, Israel signed the Oslo Accords and gave control of the Gaza Strip and large parts of Judea and Samaria to the PLO.

This situation intensified until 2005, when in a desperate measure for peace, Israel forcefully removed all Jewish residents out of the Gaza strip, leaving the entire area in the hands of the Palestinian Authority. The region erupted violently again in 2007 as the Iranian-backed terrorist organization known as Hamas led a violent coup d’état, seized power from the PA, ended elections and any sense of democracy, and began a decades-long reign of terror.

BE’ERI (BEERI), ISRAEL. October 22, 2023. The aftermath of Hamas attack on Be’eri, the Israeli kibbutz on the border on October 7 (Source: Shutterstock)

As Hamas took control of power in Gaza, they immediately began building infrastructure. Not schools or Hospitals; no, Hamas began building a network of tunnels reaching deep into Israeli territory explicitly designed to carry out an attack much like October 7th.

For the last twenty years, as Israel has sent a steady stream of materials into the Gaza Strip intended for humanitarian and civilian use, Hamas has immediately confiscated those materials, using them to build terror tunnels.  

After shooting tens of thousands of rockets into Israel’s south every year for twenty years, Hamas enacted their ultimate final solution: invade Israel on October 7th to torture, capture, kill, and kidnap as many Jews as they could.

The movie describes how the USA and the world turned a blind eye to the rising threat of Hamas and other radical Jew-hating groups in Gaza, pressuring Israel to exercise restraint in dealing with these terrorist organizations. European organizations and the United Nations donated billions of dollars to Gaza that were usurped by Hamas to build up a formidable terrorist infrastructure. 

“It didn’t begin on Oct. 7, and it won’t end when the war is over,” Hilton said.”The enemies of Israel are pushing for compromise, but compromise only helps the Hamas butchers. Israel needs to stay strong. The land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people.”

But rather than dwell on past mistakes and the tragedy that ensued, the movie asks the essential questions: “What did October Seventh teach us? What have we learned from everything that has happened since that day?”

“We live in truly Biblical times,” the movie concludes. “The Jewish people have returned en masse from a two-thousand-year exile to take possession of the land God gave us, just as the Bible predicted. And just as the Bible predicted, we must fight those who stand against the word of God.”

The movie can be viewed by signing up on the website

The Israel Guys is a pro-Israel media initiative started by HaYovel, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing Christian volunteers from around the world to Israel to serve, bless, and strengthen the Jewish people. The Israel Guys Media is committed to sharing true and authentic stories of the Holy Land, presenting a positive voice of truth from the front lines of Israel’s biblical heartland.

Keep God’s Land is a grassroots movement dedicated to strengthening and defending Israel’s right to its biblical heartland, with the ultimate goal of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. Founded in 2023 in response to the horrific attack by Hamas on October 7, the organization fiercely opposes what it calls “the two-state delusion” being advocated by the Biden-Harris administration, an agenda that would divide the Biblical heartland of Israel and create a terrorist state within the boundaries of Israel.

The post Oct. 7: What’s Next? Must watch new doc appeared first on Israel365 News.

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