New ISIS Video Allegedly Shows Beheading of Russian Spy

Islamic State terrorists marching in Raqqa, Syria. (AP Photo/File)


ISIS terrorists execute their prisoners. (Dabiq)

The Islamic State released a gruesome video Wednesday apparently showing the beheading of a man accused of spying for Russia.

A new video released by the Islamic State (ISIS) shows a captive saying he had joined the terrorist group but was recruited by the Russians and blackmailed to gather intelligenc, according to a translation from CNN. Another scene shows the captive, dressed in an orange shirt and pants but wearing no mask, kneeling in front of a Russian-speaking ISIS terrorist.

The terrorist issues threats to Russians, saying, “You will not find peace in your homes. We will kill your sons … for each son you killed here. And we will destroy your homes for each home you destroyed here.” The terrorist then beheads the kneeling captive.

The video came from Syria’s ar-Raqqah Province, an Islamic State stronghold, according to SITE Intelligence group, which monitors jihadist activities around the world.

The video is titled, “You Shall be Disappointed and Humiliated O Russians,” according to a translation from NBC News.

The video represents the first known Islamic State beheading of a Russian. Russia began a stepped-up military campaign in September aimed at supporting Syrian President Bashar Assad. Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed to increase airstrikes targeting Islamic State strongholds after ISIS took responsibility for downing a Russian commercial jet Oct. 31.

By: AP

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Source: United with Israel