Netanyahu Urges ‘Civilized World’ to Fight Back Together


“Tonight we saw, once again, that terrorism can strike anywhere. The civilized world must fight together in order to defeat it,” Netanyahu urged in response to the deadly Islamic attack in Barcelona. 

“Israel condemns the terrorist attack in Barcelona. On behalf of the citizens of Israel, I send condolences to families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to the injured,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement Thursday night. “Tonight we saw, once again, that terrorism can strike anywhere. The civilized world must fight together in order to defeat it.”

Fourteen people were killed and 100 wounded when a white van purposely ran into crowds of pedestrians, including tourists from around the world, in the historic Las Ramblas district Thursday afternoon. The Islamic State terror group claimed responsibility. Hours later, police shot and killed five terrorists who rammed into civilians and a police officer in Cambrils. The extent of their injuries has not been confirmed.

Authorities say the two incidents are connected and part of a large terror network rather than the work of lone assailants.

The prime minister participated in a video call with the staff of Israel’s embassy in Spain.

Liberman: We Must Fight Back with ‘Resolve and Determination’

“We are all obliged to fight back with resolve and determination not only against terror operations, but also against those who send them, against those who fund them and those who inspire them,” Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman stated before sending his condolences to the families of the victims. “Our hearts are with Spain and its citizens in this difficult hour.”

President Reuven Rivlin send a letter of condolence to Spanish King Filipe VI, saying that “our hearts and thoughts are with the people of Spain at this difficult time. Sadly, we, in Israel, are no strangers to the horror and grief that follows such murderous attacks and can truly understand the pain you all feel now.”

Netanyahu briefed on Barcelona terror

PM Netanyahu seen in the situation room of the Foreign Ministry, where he was updated on the Barcelona terror attack, August 17, 2017. (Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)

Rivlin: ‘Terrorism is Terrorism is Terrorism’

“Terrorism is terrorism is terrorism, whether it takes place in Barcelona, Paris, Istanbul or Jerusalem,” Rivlin said. “These horrific events once again prove that we must all stand united in the fight against those who seek to use violence to stifle individual liberty and freedom of thought and belief, and continue to destroy the lives of so many.

“The people of Israel share with me in mourning the sad loss of life and suffering.”

By: Terri Nir, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel