Netanyahu: ‘Settlements Are Not the Problem in the Middle East’

Netanyahu and Rutte

On a visit to The Hague, Netanyahu stressed that Israel is defending not only the Jewish state, but also Europe from the scourge of Radical Islam.

In the “fateful battle” across the globe between peace and terror, democracy and tyranny, and modernity and medievalism, the democratic state of Israel is not only defending itself, but also helping to defend Europe, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared Tuesday in a joint press conference with his Dutch counterpart, Mark Rutte.

The future belongs to those who innovate, he added, noting that Israel, the start-up nation, is at the cutting edge of technology.

Regarding a commitment by the Netherlands to help Israel supply more water and gas to Gaza, the Israeli leader declared: “We have no battle, no qualms with the people of Gaza, only with the band of terrorist thugs who have taken them blackmail.”

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Rutte, while stressing that Holland is absolutely opposed to boycotts of Israel, discussed the need to improve cooperation between Israel and the Palestinians, saying that both “need to show commitment.” Israeli “settlements” are not helpful, he said.

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Netanyahu explained that “settlements are not the problem in the Middle East… The whole world sees the changes in the Arab world that don’t bode well for peace.”

By: Terri Nir, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel