Netanyahu, Israeli Politicians React to Trump Victory

Trump and Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and government ministers congratulated U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on his victory.

On Wednesday morning Israel time, upon confirmation of Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election, Netanyahu stated that Trump” is a true friend of the State of Israel, and I look forward to working with him to advance security, stability and peace in our region.”

“The ironclad bond between the United States and Israel is rooted in shared values, buttressed by shared interests and driven by a shared destiny,” he added, expressing certainty that the incoming American president will “continue to strengthen the unique alliance between our two countries and bring it to ever greater heights.”

Education Minister Naftali Bennett, head of the Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) party, congratulated Trump, saying he hopes the new administration will bring a shift in U.S. policy regarding the question of Palestinian statehood.

“I congratulate president-elect Donald Trump and all the American people,” Bennett stated. “We are sure the special relationship between the United States and Israel will continue, and even grow stronger.”

“Trump’s victory is an opportunity for Israel to immediately retract the notion of a Palestinian state in the center of the country, which would hurt our security and just cause,” he continued. “This is the position of the president-elect, as written in his platform, and it should be our policy, plain and simple. The era of a Palestinian state is over.”

Member of Knesset Tzipi Livni, who led the Israeli delegation to the failed peace process with the Palestinians, tweeted that her congratulations to Trump, saying, “I hope for the U.S. and the world that he actualize the promises of his acceptance speech, not the campaign,” which she considered less unifying than his victory speech.

Opposition leader Isaac Herzog wrote on his Facebook page, “Congratulations to the next president of the most powerful nation in the world: Donald J. Trump.”

“American democracy today elected a leader who surprised the pundits, and showed that we are in an era of change and new direction. You did the unexpected, against all odds,” Herzog declared. “I am convinced that the security and economic alliance between Israel, and our strongest ally the United States, will continue to strengthen under your presidency. Good luck to you, Donald J. Trump.

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel