Netanyahu and ‘Jew at Fox News’ Ruined US Election, Says Anti-Semitic Propagandist

Netanyahu and ‘Jew at Fox News’ Ruined US Election, Says Anti-Semitic Propagandist

Mideast analyst Dexter Van Zile exposed recent remarks by infamous anti-Semite E. Michael Jones accusing Jews of being responsible for the “ongoing controversy surrounding the 2020 presidential election.”

By United with Israel Staff

E. Michael Jones is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory peddler who blames the Jews for many of society’s ills.

According to Jones, the Jews are also to blame for the “ongoing controversy surrounding the 2020 presidential election,” writes Dexter Van Zile, Shillman Research Fellow for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis, in a recent Algemeiner piece.

Van Zile recounts Jones comments on a November 11, 2020 local cable access show in Indiana, in which the “anti-Semite from South Bend … names and blames three Jews in particular for Trump’s difficulties.”

“The Jew who is the head of the ‘Decision Desk’ at Fox News betrayed Trump,” said Jones. “So much for gratitude among this group of people. Another guy who interestingly betrayed Trump is Benjamin Netanyahu, who congratulated Biden on winning.”

The third Jew that Jones accused was attorney Dana Nessel, whom he says colluded with the FBI.

According to the Van Zile piece in The Algemeiner, Jones trotted out the ultimate Jewish conspiracy theory, commenting, “I mean what was the greatest catastrophe in human history? The Jews just murdered God. On top of that they crucified him.”

Van Zile concludes, “Jones’ implication is that Jews in America did to Trump what the mob did to Jesus. … Jones’ rhetoric does more than portray Jews as worthy targets of contempt and hostility; it undermines the very fabric of the American republic itself.”


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