Last Saturday night, a mystic rabbi fell into a trance and received a divine vision that warned of heavenly gates closing, bringing about a period of global suffering. The vision revealed that one gate has been forced open temporarily by Elijah the prophet, but the key to keeping that gate open is in the hands of people.
On Saturday evening, Rabbi Amram Vaknin, a renowned mystical rabbi from Ashdod, arrived at his sister’s house in Ashdod to perform the Havdallah service ending the Sabbath. In the middle of saying the blessings, he fell down in a deep trance. He lay for approximately 20 minutes, occasionally groaning and mumbling. In the middle of his trance, he spoke, giving a clear message for all of Israel.

“Aaah, Jerusalem,” the rabbi groaned. “Pray for Jerusalem.They need to pray because of the painful decrees. How the city is suffering today!”
The rabbi lay in silence for several minutes, groaning occasionally and uttering a few sentences. After about ten minutes, he began to speak..
“The victory is important.They will win,” the rabbi finally said. “They don’t want to pray, even though I asked them several times. What can I say to those who think they are so great?”
At this point, the rabbi had a vision he was conversing with Elijah the prophet. Rabbi Vaknin, who has had several powerful visions of Elijah, frequently prays at the prophet’s cave in Haifa. The prophet appears to him as a spiritual guide in his visions.
Many of the predictions have come true. In October 2015, Rabbi Vaknin had a chilling vision that much Jewish blood was going to be spilled in Israel. Tragically, the vision proved to be accurate. The wave of violence that began just a few weeks before that vision continued with increasing intensity until the summer. In that time, there were almost one thousand stabbing, shooting, and vehicular attacks that injured over 650 Israelis and killed 47.
“Hello, Eliyahu (Elijah) the Prophet,” Rabbi Vaknin continued while in the trance. “Please, Elijah, open one of the five gates for them in Heaven. Just in case they want to do teshuva (atone) and pray, and stop with the lies and the falseness, so that one gate will be open for them. And if they don’t repent, then that gate will also close.”
After another long pause, the rabbi received an answer.
“Elijah the prophet opened one good gate. But what will be in Jerusalem will be good and bad,” he said. “They don’t want to pray! They don’t want to stop the lies and evil. I don’t understand. Elijah opened one gate of the five, one gate for good, but where is that good gate?”
Rabbi Vaknin later explained his vision to Gil Nachman, his personal assistant.
“Elijah the Prophet came to give him this message because a difficult time is coming to Jerusalem,” Nachman told Breaking Israel News. “There are five gates that can be used to access heaven’s mercy, but only one is open. Elijah opened that final gate for the sake of Israel. There is about to be a difficult time with much blood being spilled, and two great rabbis are going to die. ”
The rabbi’s vision might be connected to the five actual gates that entered the First and Second Temple.
“At one point in his vision, Rabbi Vaknin asked Elijah, ‘If it is a good gate that you have opened, then why are so many going to die?’” The rabbi receive a message which explained this seeming contradiction. “He was told that from our perspective it is bad, but from Heaven, it looks good because in the end, there will be a great victory and Eliyahu HaNavi (the prophet) will clearly arrive.
“The gate is open, but whether or not we go through the gate is up to us. He was told that everyone needs to pray and repent right now,” Nachman concluded. “Elijah said ‘from great to small’ needs to pray.”
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Source: Israel in the News