Mossad Chief Visits Jordan’s King Abdullah to Discuss Israeli Annexation

Mossad chief Yossi Cohen visited King Abdullah of Jordan to discuss Israel’s plan, starting in July, to annex parts of the West Bank, according to Israel’s Channel 13.

Cohen reportedly made the trip last week to the neighboring country, which which it has a peace treaty, to deliver a message from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, though the specific details were not revealed.

Along with most of the international community, except for the United States, Jordan has expressed strong opposition to Israel’s intention to annex parts of the West Bank, also known as Judea and Samaria.

In fact, Amman has threatened to cut off diplomatic and economic agreements with Jerusalem if the latter goes ahead with even partial annexation. It has also warned of making null the 1994 peace treaty between the two Middle Eastern countries.

Other than Jordan, Israel maintains a peace treaty with its westernmost neighbor, Egypt, which has also expressed concern regarding the proposed move.

Source: Israel in the News