Kerry Says Abbas Needs to Stop Incitement

John Kerry

Armon Hanatziv

Medical teams remove the body of one the casualties in a terror attack on Oct. 13. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

US Secretary of State John Kerry criticized PA President Mahmoud Abbas for incitement to violence against Israelis and for not condemning terrorism.

US Secretary of State John Kerry called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the current wave of terrorist attacks against Israelis. Abbas has made multiple inflammatory comments since the Jewish New Year in September, when the violence began to increase dramatically.

“There’s no excuse for the violence. No amount of frustration is appropriate to license any violence anywhere at any time. No violence should occur,” Kerry said during an NPR News interview that is scheduled to air Friday.

“[Abbas] needs to be condemning this, loudly and clearly. And he needs to not engage in some of the incitement that his voice has sometimes been heard to encourage. So that has to stop,” Kerry continued.

Ahmed Mansra - Footage Revealed Proving that Abbas Lied

The “executed” Palestinian teenager in an Israeli hospital after committing a terrorist attack. (GPO)

On Wednesday, Abbas falsely accused Israel of “executing” a Palestinian teenager. Not only is the teenager alive, but he is being treated in an Israeli hospital for injuries after committing a terrorist attack in the Pisgat Ze’ev neighborhood of Jerusalem. In that attack, he and a cousin stabbed a 13-year-old boy and a 25-year-old man, leaving the younger victim in critical.

Last month, Abbas lauded Muslim rioters attacking Jews on the Temple Mount, saying, “Every drop of blood that has been spilled in Jerusalem is holy blood as long as it was for Allah…Al-Aqsa is ours, and they have no right to defile it with their filthy feet.”

By: Sara Abramowicz, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel