Jordan Decries Shooting of Terrorist Killed While Stabbing Cop in Jerusalem [WATCH]

A Jordanian citizen attacked an Israeli policeman with a knife near the Lion’s Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem on Saturday. Despite his injuries, the policeman killed the terrorist, preventing him from attacking others on the crowded street.

The terrorist, Muhammad Abdullah Salim al-Kassji, a 57-year-old Jordanian citizen, entered Israel several days ago. He began his attack after praying at Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount. The policeman suffered stab wounds to the head and neck. A second man suffered stab wounds to his hands. He was taken to Shaarei Tsedek Hospital in moderate condition.

Police spokeswoman Luba Simri released a statement about the incident.

“The terrorist rushed toward him, whipped out a knife that he had in his possession, stormed him and began stabbing him. The police officer responded with determination and in a professional manner, managed to activate his weapon and neutralized him,” Simri said.

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Two knives were found on the terrorist’s body. After the attack, the police arrested a local storekeeper who they suspected prevented passers-by from helping the policeman during the attack.

Jordanian government spokesman Mohammad Momani decried the killing of the terrorist in an official statement.

“The Israeli government, which is the occupying force, bears responsibility for the shooting of a Jordanian citizen in occupied East Jerusalem which led to his martyrdom,” the statement read. “The government denounces this heinous crime…and has asked Israel to provide full details about it.”

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Source: Israel in the News