Jewish Groups Gather in Geneva, Protest 7 Anti-Israel UNHRC Resolutions

Jewish and pro-Israel groups are rallying in Geneva, outside the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), to protest an entire day – today – given over to multiple resolutions against Israel.

The rally, which is meeting at the Place des Nations facing the UNHRC building, has been entitled ‘Enough is Enough’ and is aimed at calling out the United Nations’ obsession with demonizing the Jewish state, not least at the expense of ever issuing condemnations against most of the world’s other nations. A coalition of 24 organizations from Sweden, Ireland, France, Belgium, Israel, Italy, Germany and Switzerland is protesting, convened by UN Watch – a non-governmental organization that works to expose UN hypocrisy.

“The 47-nation body is set to release seven biased reports accusing the Jewish state of ‘war crimes,’ and giving a free pass to Hamas. A few days later, the council will condemn Israel in five unbalanced resolutions that likewise make no mention of Hamas, Islamic Jihad or the Palestinian Authority,” said a UN Watch statement.

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The UNHRC will release its report of their Commission of Inquiry into Israel’s “large-scale assault” on “civilian” Palestinian protesters at the Gaza border.

It will also release a report on the blacklist of companies who do business over the Green Line, which is considered by UN Watch as “an act of economic warfare against Israel and its allies which does nothing to further human rights.”

“Through its relentless bias and demonization of the Jewish nation, the UN is abandoning its own founding principles of universality and equality,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch. “It’s time for the UN to uphold the UN Charter promise of equal rights for all nations, large and small.”

UN accuses Israel of “war crimes” at Gaza border; Hillel Neuer responds

The despicable UN Human Rights Council accused Israeli soldiers of “crimes against humanity” for defending the Gaza border. Then UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer took the floor: “Mr. President, let me be the first to state for the record that everything we just heard from the world’s worst dictatorships, and their apologists, is unfounded, unreal and untrue. The accusation that Israeli soldiers are war criminals for defending their citizens from massive attacks on the Gaza border, organized by the Hamas terrorist group, is absurd. The claim that these are civilian protests, and peaceful in nature, is deceitful and dishonest…” The UNHRC’s full assault on Israel will come this Monday, March 18th, in the form of 7 biased reports & 5 one-sided resolutions. UN Watch is leading the counter-attack, with a major protest rally in front of the Council—broadcast live here at 12:30 pm Geneva time—featuring leading international figures: In addition, UN Watch will be speaking in the council debates, organizing expert panels to rebut the absurd report of the Gaza inquiry, submitting a petition with 12,000 signatures, and spreading the truth online and in the international media. Full transcript of speech:

Posted by UN Watch on Thursday, March 14, 2019

UN Watch launched an online petition to protest the UN’s behavior a few weeks ago, and one that has garnered more than 18,000 signatures.

Since its founding in 2006, the UNHRC has adopted more resolutions against Israel than Iran, Syria and North Korea combined. It has also convened more urgent sessions and inquiries on Israel than on any other country; and singles out Israel alone under a permanent agenda item at every session.

Source: Israel in the News