Jerusalem Remains ‘on the Map’ in Czech Schoolbooks

Jerusalem capital of Israel

“Future generations of Czech students will continue to learn the truth: Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and the heart and soul of the Jewish people.” – Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat 

Just over a week ago, a demand by the Palestinian embassy in Prague that a school atlas naming Jerusalem as the Israeli capital be “corrected” was met with initial success.

Caving in to the Palestinian Authority, the Czech Republic ordered its schools to teach that Tel Aviv – not Jerusalem – is the capital of the State of Israel.

“The Czech Republic does not consider east Jerusalem a part of the State of Israel,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Irena Valentova stated at the time.

Following intense diplomatic intervention led by Israel’s foreign ministry – as well as protests, including a successful United with Israel petition – the Czech government on Wednesday reversed its decision and will maintain Jerusalem’s status as the capital of Israel in Czech schoolbooks.

“Jerusalem is on the map! Truth has indeed overcome lies,” Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat stated.

“I’m thankful to the Czech government for making the right choice and for refusing to surrender to Palestinian incitement and lies,” Barkat said. “I am pleased that my letter to Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka and the additional diplomatic efforts have positively impacted this decision.”

“The friendship between the Czech and Jewish peoples has deep and historical roots,” he continued.” Future generations of Czech students will continue to learn the truth: Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and the heart and soul of the Jewish people.”

By: Terri Nir, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel