Israel’s Parliament Bans Import of Dangerous Fireworks Used by Palestinian Terrorists

Fireworks used for terror

Minister Gilad Erdan

Minister Gilad Erdan. (Gili Yaari/Flash90)

Israel’s lawmakers approved the banning of all imports of airborne fireworks of the type thrown by Palestinian terrorists at Israeli security forces.

The Knesset on Tuesday approved a directive banning all imports of dangerous airborne fireworks often thrown by Palestinian anarchists at Israeli security forces.

“This is an additional move in the range of steps I’m leading to fight the phenomena of terror in Jerusalem in particular and the state of Israel in general,” stated Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan, who initiated the ban.

“The Palestinians shoot these fireworks directly at the security forces, something which is life-threatening, and therefore I acted to change the orders over live fire to allow security forces the ability to harm those who shoot fireworks, in addition to the ban on their import,” he said.

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel