Israeli Security Forces Thwart Two Terror Attacks in Jerusalem and Hebron

Police Old City

Terrot knives Hebron

The two knives found on the terrorists in Hebron. Israeli Security Forces Thwart Two Terror Attacks in Jerusalem and Hebron

Alert Israeli security forces stopped Palestinian terrorists before they had a chance to carry out attacks against Israeli citizens.

Alert Israeli security forces in Jerusalem and Hebron were successful in thwarting two potentially lethal terror attacks on Tuesday when they arrested terrorists who were apparently on the way to carry out attacks.

In one incident in Hebron, security forces guarding the Cave of the Patriarchs noticed two suspicious looking Palestinian women who were approaching. The security forces, one IDF soldier and one police officer, asked them to identify themselves. In response, they began shouting “we have come to liberate Palestine” and “Allah Akbar.”

The two were arrested, and one of them was found to be carrying two knives in her bag.

The two, aged 19 and 17 from Jerusalem, were taken for further questioning.

Just yesterday, a Palestinian terrorist was shot dead at the Tomb of the Patriarchs after attacking a group of Israeli security personnel.

Police Superintendent Cfir HaCohen lauded the forces’ alertness and quick response, which was “a decisive factor in ending the incident with no casualties to our forces.”

Later on in Jerusalem, a policeman on the way to his shift noticed two nervous-looking Palestinian teens at the Tzahal (IDF) Square, Just outside the Old City.

ax and knife terror jerusalem

The ax and knife found on the two terrorists in Jerusalem. (Police)

He noticed that the two were observing the movements of by-passers, apparently planning to attack them at some point.

The off-duty policeman approached them, and after searching their belongings, found they were carrying an ax and a utility knife.

The two, residents of Jerusalem aged 16 and 17, were arrested and taken for further questioning.

The IDF and Israel Police, on orders by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have considerably boosted their presence on the streets in Israel, and specifically in Jerusalem and the Hebron area, which have been the focal point for Palestinian terror attacks over the past weeks.

In total, Palestinian terrorists have murdered 11 Israelis in over 55 attacks since September 14, when the hostilities broke out on the Temple Mount and quickly spread to the rest of the country.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel 

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Source: United with Israel