Israeli Policemen Save Palestinian’s Life

IDF medic

Israeli Border Policemen in Hebron provided immediate medical treatment to a Palestinian man and saved his life.

Israeli Border Policemen securing the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron provided immediate medical treatment to a Palestinian man in critical condition, thus saving his life.

A group of Palestinians arrived at the Tomb of the Patriarchs on Tuesday and asked the policemen to lend medical care to a young Palestinian who had collapsed at his home nearby and ceased to breath, losing consciousness.

A team, including a medic, rushed to the scene and quickly provided life-saving treatment to the man, and after stabilizing him he was rushed to a nearby Palestinian hospital for further treatment.

The man’s excited family members warmly thanked the Israeli security personnel for saving his life.

A Border Police spokesperson stated after the incident that “Israel Police and Border Police officers operate without distinction of religion, race or gender.”

This incident is by no means a unique instance of Israelis providing Palestinians with medical treatment. Israeli hospitals and medical teams have a long track record of treating Palestinian patients.

Israel and the IDF regularly offers its medical services, know-how and expertise to Palestinian care providers and patients, in many cases free of charge.

In July 2015, the IDF established an entire reserves company with the sole mission of providing medical care and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian population.

IDF medical teams and Israeli civilian emergency units from communities in Judea and Samaria regularly treat local Arabs, often after car accidents, for a broad array of ailments and injuries. Walking to an IDF checkpoint or to the front gate of an Israeli community for medical treatment is common practice among Arabs living in the Palestinian Authority (PA)-administered territories. In some months, Israeli medics treat more Palestinians than Israelis.

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel