Israeli Ministry Presents “UNESCO Revised Bible” [WATCH]

UNESCO Revised Bible (YouTube video capture)

Following the vote on Thursday in which the United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) erased all connection between Judaism and Jerusalem, the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs released a video featuring a reading of a revised “UNESCO Bible”.

The video targeted Christian supporters of Israel, as it featured a verse from the New Testament that was altered from the original, replacing the Jewish Temple with Al Aqsa Mosque. It should be noted that Al Aqsa Mosque was built at least 1,200 years after the death of Jesus.

The video also featured a reading of 1 Kings 6:1, replacing the words “the Temple” with the words “Al-Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram al Sharif”. This revision was also featured on the Foreign Ministry’s Facebook page.

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Many others have begun to question the theological implications of the absurd UNESCO declaration. On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted derisively, “What’s next? A UNESCO decision denying the connection between peanut butter and jelly? Batman and Robin? Rock and roll?”. Roseanne Barr, an American actress and comedian, answered Netanyahu’s rhetorical question in a manner that presaged the Foreign Ministry’s response. “Denying the connection between Torah and G-d is next,” Barr quipped.

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Source: Israel in the News