Israeli Forces Arrest Yet Another Hamas Terrorist Involved with Terror Tunnels

Hamas Gaza

Last month, Israeli security forces arrested a terror operative involved in Hamas’ tunnel building efforts as he attempted to cross into Israel illegally from the Gaza Strip, the Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) cleared for publication on Sunday.

The 17 year old operative was a part of Hamas’ Beit Lahiya battalion.

He revealed during his investigation important details regarding Hamas’ terror activities, including information about the recruitment process, training and details regarding other terror operatives from Hamas’ military wing.

The terrorist conveyed valuable information regarding Hamas activities in the northern Gaza Strip and especially Hamas’ terror tunnels, the IDF said in a statement. Additional information was revealed regarding Hamas’ methods of building tunnels, communication within the tunnels and multiple digging locations intended to be used by Hamas’ Nukhba Special Forces to infiltrate Israel during a pending Hamas attack on Israel.

It was also revealed that Hamas is operating to establish multiple tunnels deep within the Gaza Strip connected to the offensive tunnels infiltrating Israel. It was revealed that Hamas has built numerous tunnels intended for facilitating the movement of terror operatives underground in the Gaza Strip. These tunnels have multiple entrances, some of them adjacent to civilian structures in the Gaza Strip including mosques and schools.

The terrorist is one of several men currently being investigated by the Shin Bet, and who are providing updated internal information about Hamas’ intensive tunnel digging activities.

In May, the Shin Bet announced a Palestinian minor active in Hamas’ military wing, who crossed illegally into Israel at the beginning of April and was caught, has provided Israel with a treasure trove of information on Hamas’ terror-tunnel network.

Earlier in the month, the Shin Bet announced Israeli security forces had captured a veteran Hamas terrorist who has been providing valuable information on Hamas’ terror tunnel network.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel