Israeli Boy Returns From Death On Night of Final Blood Moon With Message About the Messiah

To see the video, click on this LINK and scroll toward the end.

Now, at the outset, let me just say I have a very healthy amount of skepticism.  That said, I found several things interesting about this video:

  • (1) Orthodox Jews in the audience appear to be taking the account very seriously;
  • (2) The vision occurred when the boy was clinically dead for 15 minutes;
  • (3) The boy is apparently not from a religious family and is unfamiliar with Prophecy;
  • (4) Nevertheless certain events in the vision correspond remarkably well with the Prophets (e.g. the splitting of the Mount of Olives, the way the Messiah judges holiness without using the senses of sight or hearing, the death of Gog and his burial in the Land of Israel, etc);
  • (5) What he says about the sinless Messiah is fascinating:  The Mashiach (messiah) is first of all someone who can’t sin. Someone who repented. Who didn’t commit any transgressions. It can’t be that the Mashiach is someone who committed transgressions. Now it can be someone who we actually know very well. Lots and lots of people know him, according to what I understood. But everyone will be very, very surprised that he is of all people the Mashiach.”

Let me know what you think.

Source: Orthodox Messianic Judaism (