Israel joined the UN Office on Space Affairs, a prestigious international body that cooperates on the development of cutting-edge technology for the benefit of all humanity.
Israel’s Space Agency (ISA) signed an agreement of cooperation with the UN’s Office on Space Affairs (UNOOSA) on Wednesday, which provides Israel with membership to the various committees and enables Israeli scientists to participate in projects that have global impact.
The signature of the accord was done as part of Israel’s marking of its Space Week, and carried out by UNOOSA head Professor Simonetta Di Pippo and ISA director Menahem Kidron, the ISA stated.
One of the fields Israelis will be focusing on, is the use of satellites to contend with catastrophes in real-time while helping rescue teams, and in space regulation policy.
For instance, the Spider Initiative will have Israel providing information from its satellites in the event of a disaster and will provide real-time data to forces on the ground.
Daniel Brook, an ISA adviser on international cooperation, said “the signing of the agreement constitutes an additional milestone in the strengthening of the ties between Israel and the UNOOSA, which will enable Israel to contribute more of its knowledge and abilities for peace and pave the way for expanding international cooperation in space-related areas. It will also have Israel become part of a circle that influences world priorities in this field.”
The UNOOSA promotes cooperation between countries in the use of space and technology for purpose of development and collaboration, including space research, coping with space waste, global planning, protection from asteroids, regulation of space ethics and countries’ behavior in space and the regulation of satellite launching.
By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel