Israel Furious at South Africa for Hosting Hamas Delegation

Jacob Zuma

Israel’s Foreign Ministry expressed “shock and dismay” on Monday following a meeting between South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC) party and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal together with a delegation from the terror organization, who are in Pretoria on a state visit.

“This invitation provides a tailwind and encouragement for terror, and blatantly and rudely ignores the position of the international community, which views Hamas as a terror organization,” the ministry said in a statement.

The ANC is headed by Jacob Zuma, who has repeatedly voiced pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel views over the years. Just last week, the ANC urged its citizens not to travel to Israel unless it is to promote “solidarity with the Palestinian struggle.”

According to the South Africa Based Radio Islam, the two parties signed a letter of intent that includes “mutually agreed issues” that show “full solidarity of the ANC to the cause of the Palestinians” in the fight against “Apartheid Israel.”

During the meeting, Mashaal called on the world to cut off financial ties with Israel and support all boycott initiatives against the Jewish State, and said that Hamas is encouraged by efforts of the anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Sanction, Divest) movement.

The terror leader also called the ANC members “our brothers.”

Israel’s ministry summoned South Africa’s envoy to Israel for a meeting Monday to express Jerusalem’s outrage over the meeting.

The meeting came on the same day that Hamas issued a new directive to its members to carry out suicide bombings against Israelis.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel 

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Source: United with Israel