Israel Destroys Hezbollah Aircraft by Firing Patriot Missile

Patriot battery

The IDF fired a Patriot missile and intercepted a Hezbollah-flown drone that was on the way to breaching Israeli airspace.

The IDF on Tuesday intercepted an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that attempted to infiltrate Israeli airspace in the Golan Heights on Israel’s northern border

An Israeli Air Force (IAF) anti-aircraft battery fired a Patriot missile at the drone, which reportedly crashed on the Syrian side of the border.

IDF Spokesman Ronen Manelis stated that the IDF identified the Iranian-made drone, operated by the Hezbollah terror group, taking off from the international airport in Damascus. He noted that the drone was collecting intelligence, and at no point did it breach Israeli airspace.

Fighter jets were also scrambled to the area, but did not engage the target.

The IDF “will not allow any infiltration or approach toward the Golan Heights area by terrorist figures from Iranian forces, Hezbollah, Shiite militias or Islamic Jihad,” it stated after the incident.

In April, the IAF intercepted a drone that strayed into Israeli airspace from neighboring Syria. A similar incident occurred in July 2016.

In March, Israel deployed its advanced Arrow missile defense system to intercept a Syrian missile.

Speaking last month, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman stated that Israel will not stand by while Iran advances in Syria and establishes itself militarily on Israel’s northern border

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel