Israel and Paraguay Celebrate Close Ties, Express Desire for More

PM Netanyahu and Paraguayan Pres. Cartes

“You have to know that we like you very much,” Paraguayan President Cartes told Netanyahu.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday met with Paraguayan President Horacio Manuel Cartes who came to Buenos Aires, Argentina, especially for the meeting.

The two leaders expressed satisfaction with the relations between the two countries, while both expressed desire to deepen the cooperation.

Netanyahu told Cartes that he views him as “a great friend” and that “there is a lot of potential in the cooperation that we have for the betterment of both our peoples and to help, to the extent that Israel can offer its experience in technology, agriculture, water, security, all the matters that we’ve discussed and will discuss.”

Cartes reciprocated Netanyahu’s compliments by stating that the two countries are “working very good, though I think that there is much more to do.”

“Relations are like a muscle, you have to practice and work every day,” Cartes said, stressing that “you have to know that we like you very much.”

Cartes made history in July 2016 when he arrived in Israel for the first state visit by a president of Paraguay to the Jewish State.

Israel maintains close cooperation with Paraguay in the areas of water, agriculture, education and medicine, and recently the two countries’ agriculture ministers exchanged visits and signed agreements of cooperation in the field of agricultural technology.

The two nations maintain a bilateral free trade agreement within the framework of Mercosur – the South American Common Market.

Israel officially reopened its embassy in Asunción, Paraguay, a year ago after it was closed in 2002 along with 15 other embassies around the world, due to budgetary constraints. Paraguay opened its embassy in Israel in July 2013.

Netanyahu’s meeting with Cartes was one of several the Israeli leader held and will hold with Latin American leaders during his 10-day historic trip to the region, the first by a sitting Israeli prime minister.

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel