Islamic Machete Attack at Louvre Museum in Paris

A man armed with a machete shouted ‘Allahu Akhbar‘ (God is great in Arabic) before attacking a soldier posted outside the Louvre Museum in Paris on Friday morning. The soldier was lightly injured in the head but succeeded in shooting  the attacker multiple times in the stomach, seriously injuring him.

The assailant was wearing a backpack at the time of the attack, raising concerns that it contained explosives. Police sappers later determined the pack did not contain explosives.

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In  a statement, French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said that the attack was “terrorist in nature.”

“We are dealing with an attack from an individual who was clearly aggressive and represented a direct threat, and whose comments lead us to believe that he wished to carry out a terrorist incident,” said Michel Cadot, the head of the French capital’s police force, in a statement.

The Louvre, one of Frances’ most popular tourist sites, was cordoned off and closed to visitors. France has been targeted by several deadly radical Islamic attacks in the last few years. Armed soldiers patrol Paris streets, and the Louvre, the world’s largest museum and a historic monument, is heavily patrolled.The most recent attack was in July, when a Tunisian man drove a truck through crowded sidewalks celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, killing 86 people.

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Source: Israel in the News