Is a New Israel-UAE Coin the Key to True Peace in the Middle East? 

Is a New Israel-UAE Coin the Key to True Peace in the Middle East? 

The historic normalization pact between Israel and the UAE is changing the course of the world. More specifically, it’s changing how Arab countries in the Middle East see Israel.

But is a normalization accord between two governments enough for a true, lasting peace between two peoples?

That doesn’t seem to be the case with Egypt and Jordan where anti-Israel sentiment is as hateful and virulent on the street arguably more so than in Iran.

This time can be different

But the deal between Israel and the UAE can be different, says Temple Coins co-founder Oren Ziv. Ziv has produced a new coin representing the recent normalization accord between Israel and the UAE.

A work of art

This commemorative medal was designed by master numismatic artist Aharon Shavo. 

The front of the medal is adorned with the Israeli and UAE flags, flying over an intricate silhouette of the holy city of Jerusalem, Israel’s eternal capital. 

It’s going viral

This coin is going fast. Approximately 500 Coins have been sold after just two weeks since its launch! This puts them on pace to become the highest selling coins in the company’s history as they can barely keep up with the ongoing demand. Inventory is expected to run out soon making now an ideal time to buy. The company has even partnered with major Evangelical organizations who see major potential in the coin’s historic and sentimental value.

Means to a beginning

But rather than being a means to an end, the coin is more of a “means to a beginning” says Ziv. That’s because a third of its proceeds will go to a fund that promotes partnership and trade between Jerusalem and Dubai.

Grassroots commerce

“The Aim and Purpose of the coins was to allow a person to be a real part of lasting peace” Ziv explains. “Lasting peace comes from dialogue which creates grassroots commerce. This way real people on the ground on both sides are aligned and want the peace to continue. This takes the process out of the hands of the government and ensures a lasting peace.”

Ziv sees purchasing the coin as an opportunity to not only own a limited edition commemorative medal, but to also contribute to a new fund that is built to promote trade on a small business level between the two nations.  

Avraham, Abraham and Ibrahim

It also features Abu Dhabi skylines, which merge together in symbolic unity. Immediately below the skyline are the words “Abraham Accord” inscribed in Arabic, Hebrew, and English. Abraham was the father of monotheism. The familiar Bible character is referred to as ‘Abraham’ in the Christian faith, ‘Ibrahim’ in the Muslim faith, and ‘Avraham’ in the Jewish faith. No person better symbolizes the potential for unity among all these three great faiths. 

On eagles wings

An eagle holding an olive branch and arrows, the Seal of the President of the United States, completes the front design representing the American role in making it all happen. 

This historic medallion is available for purchase at for a limited time for the very low price of just $150. Inspired by the words of the prophet Isaiah 2:4, the back of the medal features a sword that gradually morphs into symbols of peace, prosperity, agricultural and technological advancement. 

Jeremiah’s prophecy

The commemorative coin features a quote from the Koran as well “And if one inclines towards peace, it inclines towards you.” It also has a quote from the Prophet Jeremiah:

 For I will give you lasting peace in this place. (Jeremiah 14:13)

 Temple Coins founding partner Jason Glick said, “These quotes encapsulate the central teachings of the faiths of Abraham; Judaism, Christianity and Islam, that one has a moral duty to seek out and embrace peace.” 

More than art

Ziv sees the acquisition of the coin as something much bigger than just buying a rare piece of artwork. “By purchasing this coin you are doing an action, which is making everlasting peace that much more of a reality” he said.

1 to 1

The company is also working with an anonymous donor who will give $50 per coin purchased. “We can create a fund worth millions to help businesses,” Ziv adds.

Covid distraction

Ziv also believes that the corona crisis is distracting the world from the historic significance of the Abraham Accords saying “Because of Corona World events  – the massiveness of this peace is not being fully understood or spoken about  – but it is huge and the snowball effect will just get bigger and bigger.”

The gift of playing a role

He also sees this project as an opportunity for everyone and anyone who believes that true peace happens between civilians and not governments adding “I wanted to make sure that I can say to myself and those around me that I was given a gift of being able to play a part and I did. Remember bad things happen when good people do nothing.”


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