Iranian MPs chant ‘death to America’ after passing law to increase nuclear activity

Iranian MPs chant ‘death to America’ after passing law to increase nuclear activity

The Iranian parliament has passed a bill obligating the government to dramatically step up the country’s nuclear-related activity, Iranian media reported on Monday.

The legislation consists of nine articles, among which are a requirement that Iran produce 120 kg (265 lbs) of 20% enriched uranium a year, according to Iran’s Channel 2.

The new law also requires the activation of 1,000 IR-2M centrifuges in the underground section of the Natanz nuclear facility, the installation and activation by April 2021 of 1,000 advanced IR-6 centrifuges at the Fordo nuclear site and the immediate reactivation of the IR-40 Arak heavy water reactor facility.

The legislation is a “major step” that will “force” the United States and the European Union to revoke their sanctions against the Islamic Republic, according to the report.

After the bill was passed, the parliament members chanted: “Death to America!”


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