IDF Responds to Latest Rocket Attack from Gaza

Hamas rocket from Gaza

Responding to a rocket attack on southern Israel early Monday evening, the Israeli Air Force bombed suspected terror bases in Hamas-ruled Gaza.

Residents of southern Israel experienced another “red alert” siren early Monday evening when a rocket landed in an open area of the Sha’ar HaNegev region near the Gaza border. There were no injuries.

It was the 18th rocket launched by Gaza terrorists to hit Israeli territory since January 2015, the IDF stated.

In response to the attack, the Israeli Air Force targeted two sites of the Hamas terror organization in the southern Gaza Strip.

“The intolerable reality of civilians continually living under the threat of Gaza rockets is unacceptable, unbearable and must stop. Hamas must enforce their responsibilities or face the consequences. We will act against those that attack us and hold those that enable attacks against Israel accountable,” declared Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, IDF spokesman.

Rocket attacks from Gaza have increased in recent weeks amid an escalation in Palestinian violence against Israelis throughout the country.

By: United with Israel Staff

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Source: United with Israel