IDF General Warns Hamas, Terror Tunnel Deaths May Have Divine Origins

Terrorist Tunnel

IDF Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), warned Hamas on Wednesday that the recent spate of deadly tunnel collapses and “work accidents” might not be entirely accidental. Mordechai has hinted in the past that these incidents might have more divinely inspired causes.

Mordechai posted on his Facebook page in Arabic, which was translated by the Hebrew news site, NRG.

Since the summer of 2014, when Operation Protective Edge in Gaza ended, some 30 Palestinians were killed in activities related to tunneling. Some of them were killed when tunnels collapsed, some in ‘work accidents’, and the rest – God knows from what…The building of tunnels is an industry of death, labelled, ‘MADE IN GAZA”, calling out to the inhabitants of Gaza saying to them, ‘Hamas is using you to advance the interests of the organization’. You dig the tunnels for someone who doesn’t care about your lives, so the tunnels turn into tunnels of death. Anyone who comes close to the tunnels, by aiding them or digging them, brings down a judgement upon himself.

This is the second time this high-ranking IDF general has hinted at divine sources for Hamas woes. In February, he was interviewed by Palestinian Ma’an news about the growing danger of Hamas tunnels. After noting the epidemic of lethal collapses, the reporter asked him if this was due to an active IDF operation. Mordechai answered engmatically, “God knows.”

Keep Israel's Defenders Warm this Winter

Despite the ongoing Hamas effort to rebuild its terror tunnel network in preparation for renewed conflict with Israel, Israel has allowed 3.5 million tons of construction materials into Gaza, most of which is forcibly diverted by Hamas from much needed humanitarian efforts to rebuild Gaza.

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Source: Israel in the News