Hashtag "Explain The Middle East In 6 Words" Blows Up on Twitter


On Monday, Gidon Shaviv, a senior research analyst for the media watchdog group CAMERA and a popular presence on social media, sent a tweet with a hashtag that quickly began trending on Twitter, garnering thousands of submissions from Twitter users around the world.

The #ExplainTheMiddleEastIn6Words challenge went viral within minutes in both English and Hebrew, with people chiming in from all over the world to try their hands at expressing the essence of the Middle East in just six words.

Breaking Israel News rounded up the best ones.


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By far the most popular tweet came from Gidon Shaviv himself.

Israeli politician Dani Dayan even contributed, with a tweet in Hebrew:

His tweet translated to, “The settlements – the reason for a conflict which began before they were built.”

Breaking Israel News got in on the fun with a few tweets of its own:

The hashtag is still trending on Twitter, proving that the Middle East is, indeed, a complicated place.

The post Hashtag “Explain The Middle East In 6 Words” Blows Up on Twitter appeared first on Breaking Israel News | Israel Latest News, Israel Prophecy News.

Source: Israel in the News