Hamas Turns Terror Tunnel Into Free Public Tourist Exhibit

An IDF soldier examines a Hamas terror tunnel. (Photo: video screenshot)

To mark two years since the conclusion of Operation Protective Edge, Hamas has opened a special ‘family-friendly’ exhibition that displays the various weapons used by the military wing of the organization during the month-long conflict.

Among the vast array of arms that were laid out for tourists to see are several that were allegedly used by a Hamas cell that killed four IDF soldiers after entering Israel near Kibbutz Nir Am during Protective Edge.

The highlight of the exhibit is an authentic terror tunnel located in the Saja’iyya neighborhood in eastern Gaza City on the Israel border. The tunnel belongs to the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the organization’s military wing and may have been used for transporting Hamas forces within Gaza and for ambushing IDF soldiers, according to Ynet News.

Fight Hamas Terror Tunnels. Defend Israel!

In a video released by the Times of Israel, children can be seen excitedly running the tunnel’s length during a tour. Displayed throughout the tunnel are posters of al-Qassam’s senior members. With the added benefit of electricity and lights, Hamas turned the tunnel of terror into a place of wonder for the tourists who choose to visit.

This exhibition marks the first time in its history that Hamas has opened a tunnel to public audiences, as the terror tunnel project is considered the most secret and classified of all the organization’s operations. Making it even more unusual is that entry to the entire exhibit is completely free.

Hamas’s decision to open the exhibit to the Gaza public comes amid its efforts to improve the terror group’s image among the Palestinian population, especially in the face of Israel’s many recent successes in bringing down the organization’s tunnels thus thwarting their efforts to carry out attacks against civilians.

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Source: Israel in the News