German Far-Right Politician Gets Suspended Sentence for Nazi Tattoo

Germany Far Right

German far-right politician Marcel Zech was found guilty of incitement for showing a tattoo of what appeared to be the Auschwitz death camp while visiting a swimming pool.

A court in Oranienburg handed Marcel Zech a suspended six-month sentence.

German news agency dpa reported that the 27-year-old admitted displaying the tattoo with the slogan from the Buchenwald concentration camp’s gate, “Jedem das Seine” — “to each his own” — at a pool on Nov. 21.

Another bather took a photo of the tattoo and passed it on to authorities.

Prosecutors had asked for an unsuspended 10-month sentence for Zech for violating the country’s ban on the public display of Nazi symbols. The defendant is a member of the far-right National Democratic Party, sits on the Barnim county council near Berlin and has a previous conviction for bodily harm, dpa reported.

By: AP

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Source: United with Israel