Father of Orlando Killer Comes to Rally For Clinton

Seddique Mateen, father of Omar Mateen, the Orlando killer, at a rally for Hillay Clinton in Florida (YouTube Screen capture)

One of the stranger moments in the presidential campaign occurred Tuesday evening in Kissimmee, Florida, when Hillary Clinton spoke sadly about the victims of the Orlando shooting while Seddique Mateen, the father of the killer, stood in the audience, cheering her on.

Clinton gives tribute to victims of Orlando shooting while killer's father sits yards away (YouTube screen capture)
Clinton gives tribute to victims of Orlando shooting while killers father sits yards away YouTube screen capture

The Democratic rally was held just 20 miles from the pulse club in Orlando where Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old Afghan-American security guard, killed 49 people and wounded 53 others two months ago in what President Barack Obama labeled a hate-attack.  Clinton’s speech opened with a tribute to the victims of the tragedy, while Mateen sat just a few yards away in a red baseball hat.

Mateen was first recognized  by West Palm Beach TV (WPTV) reporter Tory Dunnan. Mateen refused to speak to the reporter at first, but soon after, he was spotted outside the venue holding a pro-Clinton sign and asking to talk to press.

“Clinton is good for the United States, versus Donald Trump,” Mateen told WPTV Channel 5  in broken English. “I was invited by the Democratic Party; I’m a member.”

Bankrupting Terrorism

When asked if he the party officials knew he was going to attend, Mateen responded, “It’s a Democratic party, so everyone can join,” adding,  “Why should they be surprised? I love the United States, and I’ve been living here a long time.”

“The rally was a 3,000-person, open-door event for the public,” a Clinton campaign official said. “This individual wasn’t invited as a guest, and the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event.”

In 2015, before his son’s killing spree, Mateen donated $250 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for president said on an interview on Fox News, “If that were me, this would be a headline all over the world about Trump. But she did not, as I understand it, disavow this man. He’s got some pretty harsh views.”

Trump was referring to Seddique’s being vocally pro-Taliban and anti-LGBT.

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Source: Israel in the News