Fatah Takes to Social Media to “Celebrate” 51 Years of Violence and Killing [PHOTOS]

Fatah's Facebook posts celebrates 51 years of terror against Israel. (Official Facebook of the Fatah Movement)

The Fatah movement has posted a series of threatening images on its Facebook and Twitter accounts to celebrate 51 years of carrying out violent terror attacks against Israel since its founding in 1965, media watchdog Palestinian Media Watch reported.

Fatah, which is the leading political party in Palestine, represented by Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, posted several disturbing and violent pictures to “celebrate” its founding, including one in which the number 51 is composed of images of a bullet, a rifle, and a knife surrounding an illustration of the Dome of the Rock.

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Official Facebook of the Fatah Movement

Fatah’s first terror attack took place on January 1, 1965, making tomorrow, Friday, the terror organization’s 51st anniversary. In 1965, the organization attempted to carry out a bombing of Israel’s National Water Carrier.

In another picture, posted on December 29, Fatah posted a photo of a masked fighter with the Arabic caption, “Half a century of sowing terror in the eyes of the sons of Zion”. His headband reads, “Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades”, the name of Fatah’s military wing.

(Official Facebook of the Fatah Movement)
Official Facebook of the Fatah Movement

The caption on another photo with a different masked fighter, this one holding a rifle, proclaims, “We march, we are not afraid of the fire and we do not fear death. With blood we will redeem the homeland and saturate its ground.” On the image itself, a line of Arabic reads, “Half a century has passed and we have never abandoned our weapons.”

(Official Facebook of the Fatah Movement)
Official Facebook of the Fatah Movement
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Yet another image, this one tweeted from Fatah’s official Twitter account on December 10, shows a rifle accompanied by text which reads, “Long live the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution”.

(Twitter Account of the Fatah Movement)
Twitter Account of the Fatah Movement

A different Facebook image, posted by Fatah on December 17, shows a youth whose face is covered by the traditional Palestinian kaffiyeh and uses a map of Israel as the number “1” in “51”. Accompanying the image is another chilling rallying cry: “Long live the anniversary of the launch – Fatah Mobilization and Organization Commission”.

(Official Facebook of the Fatah Movement)
Official Facebook of the Fatah Movement

Fatah, which was founded as the Palestinian National Liberation Movement by Yasser Arafat, has carried out dozens of raids and terror attacks against civilian targets in Israel. The political party formed a unity government with the terrorist organization Hamas in 2014. It is diametrically opposed to Israel and incites its subjects to violence against Israelis and Jews. In October, the organization claimed responsibility for the brutal murders of Eitam and Naama Henkin in front of their four children.

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Source: Israel in the News