Democratic Party’s Draft Policy Position on Israel Reflects Sanders’ Influence

Bernie Sanders

A draft of the Democratic Party’s policy positions reflects the influence of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign on a number of issues, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – but leaves out reference to the so-called ‘occupation.’

Deliberating late into Friday, the group considered language on the Israel-Palestinian conflict, an issue that has divided Democrats. The committee defeated an amendment led by Zogby that would have called for providing Palestinians with “an end to occupation and illegal settlements” and urged an international effort to rebuild Gaza.

The draft reflects Clinton’s views and advocates working toward a “two-state solution of the Israel-Palestinian conflict” that guarantees Israel’s security with recognized borders “and provides the Palestinians with independence, sovereignty, and dignity.”

“We lost some but we won some,” said James Zogby, a Sanders supporter on the committee that is drafting the Democratic National Convention’s Platform. “We got some great stuff in the platform that has never been in there before.” Added Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., a Sanders ally: “We’ve made some substantial moves forward.”

Sanders said Friday he would vote for Clinton, the presumptive nominee, in the fall election, but so far has stopped short of fully endorsing the former secretary of state or encouraging his millions of voters to back her candidacy.

The Vermont senator has said he wants the platform to reflect his goals — and those representing him said they had made progress.

“Our job is to pass the most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic Party,” Sanders said.

The Democratic National Convention’s full Platform Committee will discuss the draft at a meeting next month in Orlando, Florida, with a vote at the convention in Philadelphia in late July.

By: Ken Thomas, AP

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Source: United with Israel