Course Announcement: Jews, Genocide, and Justice


Monique Brumbach will be teaching a special six-week Foundation Course for the Messianic Jewish Theological Institute, titled: Jews, Genocide and Justice. 

The course will examine select human rights abuses in modern times, and explore our mandate to serve as a “Light to the Nations,” even in a fast-changing world. It will pose such questions as: Do Jewish people bear a special responsibility to combat genocide and mass atrocities? Where have Jewish people contributed to successful social movements in the past, and how should we act today?

MJTI LogoIt will be six weeks of bone-chilling readings, challenging discussions … all with the goal of helping students learn the concrete strategies and tactics that have made Jewish people such potent agents of change in the mass social movements of the last two centuries. Think abolition, civil rights, preventing genocide, and human trafficking.

Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be a political echo chamber. We’ll look at global and local issues from a Jewish perspective first and foremost, and spend most of our time thinking about strategy, not soundbites.

You can view the syllabus HERE.

Monique is a grandchild of Holocaust survivors and a seasoned human rights lawyer who has lived and worked internationally. She currently lives in Los Angeles, where her husband – Rabbi Joshua Brumbach – leads Ahavat Zion Synagogue.

The course begins Sunday, October 25th, and will be offered both online and onsite at Ahavat Zion Synagogue in Beverly Hills, CA on Monday nights.

It’s a good deal, too. $150 to take the course online for credit (pass/fail) and $109 to audit. For those who take the course live onsite, it is only $99! The books come cheap and fast on Amazon, and are stocked in most public libraries. This is an adult education level course, and open to anyone.

To register or for additional information, contact the MJTI Registrar at

Source: Yinon