Christian Seder Haters

Christian Seder Haters

Carly Friesen is a Canadian Christian homeschool mom. Her Instagram is a window into a happy homesteading family. They grow and can vegetables, have goats and ride horses, and eat their own farm-fresh eggs. There are hundreds of other Christian families just like hers.

Some of these families have also responded to the call of discipleship—the call to follow in the footsteps of their Jewish Rabbi Yeshua. They are convicted about celebrating (in their own way, and to the best of their ability and knowledge) the biblical holidays. The favorites are usually Passover, Hanukkah, and the Festival of Tabernacles, probably due to their historical or prophetic significances and clear spiritual underpinnings.

Oh, and one more thing: she’s been “canceled.”

Carly celebrated Passover last year with her family and decided to post a few pictures of her seder table on her social media accounts. Somehow those pictures made it into the hands of vengeful, psychotic haters on Twitter, who proceeded to accuse her of “cultural appropriation.”

Twitter is an interesting social ecosystem. It’s not a bad way to get breaking news—in fact, videos of riots in Kazakhstan and wildfires in Colorado last summer popped up on Twitter before anywhere else. However, the platform can also easily devolve into self-congratulatory hate fests. Anonymous users instigate rounds of harassment and spew horrific judgments toward anyone who deviates from whatever they feel is the accepted norm.

This, and other influences from liberal society, have created a cancel culture in which anyone can decide that whoever they choose deserves a vengeful public shaming for any random reason. However, getting “canceled” for celebrating Passover as Carly was—now that’s a big clue that “canceling” has been weaponized to target private citizens who haven’t done anything wrong.

The main accusation leveled against Carly Friesen was that she was guilty of “cultural appropriation.” Cultural appropriation is when you borrow elements of a culture you don’t belong to in a way that is offensive to the target culture.

That caveat is important. For example, a white person celebrating the Chinese New Year because he or she thinks Chinese stuff is cool isn’t guilty of cultural appropriation. (Chinese people love it when this happens.)

First Fruits of Zion