By the Numbers:12 Rockets Fired at Israel, 1 House in Sderot Hit, 32 Explosive Balloons Intercepted, 42 fires, 3 IDF Airstrikes

By the Numbers:12 Rockets Fired at Israel, 1 House in Sderot Hit, 32 Explosive Balloons Intercepted, 42 fires, 3 IDF Airstrikes

IDF warplanes carried out three waves of airstrikes early Friday in response to an overnight barrage of rockets fired at southern Israel from Gaza.

A total of 12 rockets were fired at Israel overnight from Gaza. Two rockets failed to reach Israel and three were shot down by the Iron Dome system. A home in the town of Sderot sustained considerable damage to the terrorist attack.

The Magen David Adom rescue service said three people were treated for shell shock and another woman suffered light injuries sustained while running to a bomb shelter.

The IDF responded by carrying out three airstrikes, at least one of which targeted a cement factory used to make material for the terrorist tunnel infrastructure in Gaza. Another airstrike targeted a site where rockets are produced.

Gazan sources reported that at least one person was injured in the IDF attacks.

The night of rocket attacks follows a long day in which at least 32 balloons carried incendiary and explosive devices into Israel.  The Fire and Rescue Service reported that at least  at least 42 fires resulted from aerial incendiary attacks. These attacks have intensified in recent weeks, leading to the deployment of a new laser device that explodes the balloons in flight.

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