Brother of jailed terrorist arrested for transferring phones to prisoners through Arab-Israeli MK

Basel Ghattas

Police have arrested a suspect thought to have transferred mobile phones to imprisoned Palestinian terrorists through Arab Joint List lawmaker Basel Ghattas, who has since been taken into custody.

Suspected of having given cellphones to Arab-Israeli lawmaker Basel Ghattas, to be transferred to Palestinian prisoners, Assad Daka, 65, a resident of the Arab town of Zemer in central Israel, was arrested. He is to appear at the Magistrate’s Court in Rishon Letzion, outside Tel Aviv.

He is the brother of Palestinian terrorist Walid Dakah, who is serving a life sentence for the murder of IDF soldier Moshe Tamam in 1984.

Ghattas, merely hours after being stripped of parliamentary immunity on Thursday, was arrested on charges of conspiracy to commit a crime, fraud, breach of trust and violation of Israel Prisons Service orders. A keffiyeh-wearing pro-Palestinian activist, he was under investigation for collaborating with terrorists at an Israeli prison and, specifically, for giving them cell phones that would likely help them coordinate attacks against Israelis.

By: Terri Nir, United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel