Breaking: Terror Attacks in Jerusalem & Samaria Before Shabbat

terror in jerusalem

Two more Palestinian terror attacks occurred Friday by early afternoon. Two people were stabbed at a light rail stop in Jerusalem, and an attempted stabbing took place outside a Jewish community in Samaria.

Early Friday afternoon, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed two Israeli civilians at a light rail stop in Jerusalem. The victims, in moderate condition, were rushed by Magen David Adom (MDA – Israeli medical emergency services) to Shaare Zedek hospital with wounds to his upper body.

IDF forces shot and critically wounded the terrorist.

Shortly beforehand, two Palestinian terrorists attempted to stab a Border Police guard stationed at the Tapuach Junction outside a Jewish community in Samaria.

The officer, lightly injured in the hand, was treated by MDA medics at the scene. One terrorist was killed and the other critically wounded after being shot by security forces.

By: United with Israel

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Source: United with Israel