Biden’s prospective Deputy Director Hailed Terrorist Suicide Bombers

Biden’s prospective Deputy Director Hailed Terrorist Suicide Bombers

As Joe Biden begins to announce his potential staffers, the future of the Democratic party becomes clear; a staffer who advocates for Palestinian suicide bombing and heavy criticism of any Jews appointed.

Reema Dodin: Advocating in Favor of Suicide Bombers

Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for president, named two people to his potential White House staff. Reema Dodin and Shuwanza Goff were each named deputy director of the Office of Legislative Affairs.

Dodin currently serves as deputy chief of staff and floor director for  Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill), the assistant minority leader. If the appointment comes to be,  Dodin, who was born to Arab-Israeli immigrants in North Carolina, will be the first Arab-American White House staffer.

“The American people are eager for our Administration to get to work, and today’s appointees will help advance our agenda and ensure every American has a fair shot,” Biden said in a statement. “In a Biden administration, we will have an open door to the Hill and this team will make sure their views are always represented in the White House.”

Normally, this would be a tribute to diversity however Dodin brings an extreme political agenda to her job. This was evidenced in a speech she gave at a church in Lodi, California in 2002, in which she justified suicide bombings against Jews as “the last resort of a desperate people.”

One year earlier, she took part in a demonstration at UC Berkeley calling for the university to divest from Israel, according to the Berkeley Daily Planet, a local news publication. At the demonstration, protesters inaccurately compared the political situation in Israel to apartheid in South Africa.

KeyWiki wrote that Dodin  is in regular contact with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)

Goff will be the first African-American woman to serve as floor director. She has been serving in the office of the incoming House Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the minority whip. 

Tlaib: No Jews Allowed 

Biden’s appointments are already drawing fire from within his own party. Rashida Tlaib (D-MICH), born in Detroit to Israeli Arab parents, criticized Biden for appointing Anthony Blinken as his Secretary of State. Blinken was born to Jewish parents.

“So long as he doesn’t suppress my First Amendment right to speak out against Netanyahu’s racist and inhumane policies,” Tlaib tweeted. “The Palestinian people deserve equality and justice.”


Dov Hinkind, founder of the group Americans Against Antisemitism, tweeted, “Biden names a Jew to his cabinet … What’s Rashida’s response?! ‘Welp, as long as that Judische pick doesn’t stop me from focusing my hatred on one country, Israel, then he’s a good Jew!’ It’s not your 1A [first amendment] right you’re trying to protect but your vile Jew-hatred!”


“You can just say you’re worried because he’s Jewish…”  the Republican Jewish Coalition tweeted.


Tlaib also criticized the State Department’s decision to label the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement as anti-Semitic

Biden is expected to begin naming Cabinet nominees on Tuesday. Biden said Friday he has chosen his Treasury secretary and would announce the choice around Thanksgiving.

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