The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has generated a storm of controversy with their new comedy skit titled ‘Real Housewives of ISIS’, that pokes fun at European women who join the Islamic State (ISIS). The skit was produced on the comedy show, Revolting, and has garnered over 21 million views on its YouTube channel since it was posted on Tuesday.
Presented as a trailer for a fictitious television series, the video opens with hijab-wearing women taking selfies amidst overlays of automatic weapons. One woman complains, “It’s only three days until the beheading and I’ve got no idea what I’ll wear”.
“This is my sixth marriage. I’ve been widowed five times,” complains another ISIS wife.
“Ali bought me a new chain which is eight-foot long, so I can almost get outside, which is great!” says another, dragging her oven behind as she does housework.
One scene shows two women arguing because they’re wearing the same suicide vest for their Instagram photo shoot. The video previewed the next episode of Real Housewives with one distraught wife complaining, “He won’t stop talking about his 40 virgins”.
Though the video is undoubtedly funny, it has aroused the ire of many Muslims. The Guardian reported the critics saying the video was “morally bankrupt”, “insensitive”, and “Islamophobic”.
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Source: Israel in the News