In 2014, Rabbi Yehuda Glick was shot in the chest four times by a Muslim terrorist opposed to his work encouraging Jews to enter the Temple Mount. After miraculously recovering from the incident, he was subsequently beaten down by a mob of zealous Muslims in Jerusalem.
Never-the-less, Rabbi Glick refuses to let any of those traumatic events phase his message of love for all mankind. He explains his positive outlook invoking the iconic passage from Genesis:
And Hashem created man in His image, in the image of Hashem He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27)
In an interview with Rabbi Ari Abramowitz of the Land of Israel Fellowship, Rabbi Glick reveals his secret to maintaining a positive attitude about God and his creations despite his harrowing, near-death experiences.
These types of Biblical secrets that enabled Rabbi Glick to smile in the face of death twice in the span of five years is now available as well as many other eye-opening Bible classes in The Land of Israel Fellowship program.
Source: Israel in the News